Which Are the UK’s Best Dating Sites for Women?
P. J. Aitken

Men and women have a very different approach to online dating and they experience dating sites and apps in a completely different way.
Not only are men more active on online dating sites, but they’re also more likely to “like” users and send messages without reading someone’s profile. It seems that men play the numbers game, which makes life difficult for the many single women using these sites.
Matches are plentiful, conversations are easy, but finding someone who actually has what you’re looking for can be a challenge. As the saying goes, you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince, and it can make online dating very tiresome for women.
If you find yourself wading through countless “hey babe” openers and an endless succession of cheesy pick-up lines, poorly-worded icebreakers, and more than a fair share of unsolicited obscenities, you need to use specific dating sites for women, and that’s what we’ll look at here.
These are the best dating sites for women, and they can save you a lot of scrolling and swiping.
Women are more likely to be harassed on dating sites and such issues are rife on popular dating apps. You know how it goes: A guy pours his heart out to you in a single creepy message, offers to send you explicit images, and when you ignore him, his sickly-sweet charms turn to aggressive vitriol.
“I don’t like you anyway, I was just bored.”
“Well, you’re ugly.”
It’s like a school playground, and they’re the spoilt little brats who turn nasty when things don’t go their way.
The difference is that you can’t just run to the teacher and make sure the little wretch gets detention and a call to his parents. Most sites don’t care—too many members, too many problems.
eHarmony is different, though. It’s one of the best dating sites for women because it’s easy to block and report users who harass you. In fact, they don’t even need to be harassing you. If they’re not your type and won’t take a hint, just click the little “block” button. You won’t have to deal with them again.
eHarmony also has an extensive user questionnaire that all members are required to take. It will ask you a series of questions that have been carefully designed to determine your personality. As a user, it means that eHarmony sorts the wheat from the chaff (or the Mr. Darcy’s from the Patrick Bateman’s) so that you don’t have to. It’s generally a much safer, better, and more personalised website as a result of this questionnaire.
Another benefit of eHarmony is that it is available everywhere and has a huge base of users. It means that if you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere, you don’t have to resign yourself to dating the town weirdo just because they’re the only one with a profile.
Silver Singles and Elite Singles
We're cheating a little, as there are two sites, but they actually work in similar ways, provide similar benefits, and are two of the best dating sites for women.
Silver Singles is targeted toward senior daters; Elite Singles focuses on highly educated professionals. You could be forgiven for thinking that these sites are just filled with gerontophiles and gold diggers, but they actually do an incredibly good job of weeding out the people who don’t fit into those specific categories.
In fact, some people have complained that they tried to sign up for Elite Singles only to be turned down by the site. Profiles are only posted after they've been reviewed by the site first.
Users also report having very positive experiences on both Elite Singles and Silver Singles websites. They have features that are designed to protect users and foster a friendly and safe environment. As with eHarmony, they use questionnaires to determine who you are and what you want. Only then do they start finding the right matches for you.
If you’re not a highly educated single or you’re not over the age of 50, there’s nothing to see here, but if you are, these sites may be more suitable than eHarmony.
Match has been around for a long time, and not without reason. Not only is it one of the best dating sites for women, but it’s one of the best in general. First of all, they only allow approved photos on the site. They also offer customised notifications to help you drown out the noise. Best of all, it takes just a few quick clicks to set up an account.
Match offers a premium service that's a little more depth than typical dating apps. Therefore, it appeals more to serious daters looking for long-term relationships. There are always exceptions, of course. Nevertheless, Match users tend to be a little more considerate than you’ll find on the average swipe-centric dating app.
Match even includes a messaging feature that allows you to filter messages from users who are not in your age or location range. So, if you usually get bombarded with messages from men all over the world and of all age groups, you can activate this feature and block them automatically.
Summary: Best Dating Sites for Women
Many popular dating apps are built for speed and convenience. You see a picture, decide if you like it or not, and then move onto the next one. It works if you’re not very demanding or just want a few quick flings. But, it’s not the best way to find that someone special.
So, if you find yourself getting frustrated with a string of dud dates and creepy messages, take a look at some of our best dating sites for women. They’re perfect for busy single women who don’t have time for dates that don’t go anywhere with men that don’t have anything going for them.
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